RADIKALE Einwanderungs-Gesetz-Verschärfung in England diese Woche
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RADIKALE Einwanderungs-Gesetz-Verschärfung in England diese Woche
IRRE !! Und Richtig . England macht Nägel mit Köpfen
: keine Heirat mit Migranten , wenn der Partner nicht 25000 Pfund verdient
new minimum income requirement for a British "sponsor" without children of up to £25,700 a year, and a stringent English speaking test for foreign-born husbands, wives or partners of UK citizens applying to come to live in Britain on a family visa.
Abschiebung ( auch nach Jemen!!) auch wenn bereits verheiratet .und kinder da sind
Der Partner kann entscheiden ob er mit Kind mit ausreist
British citizens with foreign-born partners are to be given the choice of indefinite "exile" in countries including Yemen and Syria or face the breakup of their families if they want to remain in the UK, under radical immigration changes to be announced next week, MPs have been told.
The changes are to be introduced alongside new immigration rules, making clear that an illegal migrant or a convicted foreign national facing deportation who has established a family life in Britain will only be blocked by the courts from being removed, under article 8 of the European convention on human rights, in rare and exceptional cases. Instead they, too, will face a choice between separating from their British-based spouse or partner or going to live with their partner as a family overseas
Wenn jemand einreist und in England leben will , so MUSS Er Geld haben oder verdienen , die SPRACHR GUT beherrschen und darf nicht den Sozialkassen zur last fallen !!
When the home secretary published her proposals in May she said that it was obvious that British citizens and those settled here should be able to marry or enter into a civil partnership with whomever they choose: "But if they want to establish their family life in the UK, rather than overseas, then their spouse or partner must have a genuine attachment to the UK, be able to speak English, and integrate into our society, and they must not be a burden on the taxpayer. Families should be able to manage their own lives. If a British citizen or a person settled here cannot support their foreign spouse or partner they cannot expect the taxpayer to do it for them."
Übrigens : England interessiert der EUGH überhaupt nicht !!!
: keine Heirat mit Migranten , wenn der Partner nicht 25000 Pfund verdient
new minimum income requirement for a British "sponsor" without children of up to £25,700 a year, and a stringent English speaking test for foreign-born husbands, wives or partners of UK citizens applying to come to live in Britain on a family visa.
Abschiebung ( auch nach Jemen!!) auch wenn bereits verheiratet .und kinder da sind
Der Partner kann entscheiden ob er mit Kind mit ausreist
British citizens with foreign-born partners are to be given the choice of indefinite "exile" in countries including Yemen and Syria or face the breakup of their families if they want to remain in the UK, under radical immigration changes to be announced next week, MPs have been told.
The changes are to be introduced alongside new immigration rules, making clear that an illegal migrant or a convicted foreign national facing deportation who has established a family life in Britain will only be blocked by the courts from being removed, under article 8 of the European convention on human rights, in rare and exceptional cases. Instead they, too, will face a choice between separating from their British-based spouse or partner or going to live with their partner as a family overseas
Wenn jemand einreist und in England leben will , so MUSS Er Geld haben oder verdienen , die SPRACHR GUT beherrschen und darf nicht den Sozialkassen zur last fallen !!
When the home secretary published her proposals in May she said that it was obvious that British citizens and those settled here should be able to marry or enter into a civil partnership with whomever they choose: "But if they want to establish their family life in the UK, rather than overseas, then their spouse or partner must have a genuine attachment to the UK, be able to speak English, and integrate into our society, and they must not be a burden on the taxpayer. Families should be able to manage their own lives. If a British citizen or a person settled here cannot support their foreign spouse or partner they cannot expect the taxpayer to do it for them."
Übrigens : England interessiert der EUGH überhaupt nicht !!!
Zuletzt von Admin am Di Jun 12, 2012 6:26 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet
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